

FEFAC publishes its Annual Report 2015/2016

The report serves as a public account of FEFAC’s activities over the past year. In the introduction, FEFAC President Ruud Tijssens earmarked the past year as very challenging for the feed industry’s customers and highlighted the predicaments around the EU’s GMO policy as an additional threat to competitiveness. The report also has several pages dedicated to the FEFAC 2030 Animal Feed Industry Vision.

FEFAC has published its 2015-2016 Annual Report.  The report serves as a public account of FEFAC’s activities over the past year, with the relevant topics divided among the respective FEFAC standing committees. In the introduction, as a general overview, FEFAC President Ruud Tijssens earmarked the past year as very challenging for the feed industry’s customers and highlighted the predicaments around the EU’s GMO policy as an additional threat to competitiveness.

The Annual Report has several pages dedicated to the FEFAC 2030 Animal Feed Industry Vision. In this vision, FEFAC outlines the sector’s solutions for the animal food chain, such as tackling antimicrobial resistance and climate change, from feed production to the consumer stage. Also included are the updated industrial compound feed production estimates for 2015 as well as other relevant data, all accompanied by graphical overviews.  

VIew/download the Annual Report 2015-2016 (PDF)