FEFANA, the EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association,has developed a user-friendly tool, in order to support feed business operators and the authorities in classifying feed products and mixtures according to the regulatory framework in the European Union. Based on very simple questions and a decision tree system, this tool allows the allocation to the proper regulatory classification status of any single c
The tool will prove helpful for operators to ensure c
Feed business operators are faced on a daily basis with questions related to the regulatory requirements of products they plan to or are placing on the market in the European Union. Depending on which category a product will be placed into, it will be subjected to very different regulatory requirements. “Is my product an additive or an ingredient?”, “Is my product a premixture or a c
The European Regulatory Framework defines five main groups of products:
- feed materials;
- c
- premixtures;
- feed additives;
- veterinary medicinal products.
The regulatory requirements for each of these groups may differ substantially. As an example, if a product is classified as a feed material, it can be placed on the market without a prior assessment fr
Recent discussions in the EU Standing C
In order to get more clarity on the market place, FEFANA carried out an extensive review of the situation on the market and the different kinds of products that are currently available. Through inputs fr
distinction between premixtures and c
- the needs for simple wording and questions;
- the predictability of the choice, i.e. the same result is obtained by different operators for the same product;
- the possibility to justify the choice made by the business operators in front of the control authorities.
On the basis of this work, FEFANA has therefore created a Code of Practice for the classification of products and substances in accordance with the European Regulatory Framework. This document was discussed with authorities at the European and
The classification of a feed product is a function of both the nature of the products and of its use. For instance, a given substance can be classified as an additive or as a feed ingredient, depending on the way and the purpose for which it is used. The same apply to mixtures.
This Code of Practice enables any business operator and Authority to classify the product they aim to place on the market in a consistent manner and in a predictable way. This then helps the business operators to take the proper decision to ensure that their products c