

First Peruvian anchovy fishing season ends with 98.1% of quota

The first anchovy fishing season in the North-Central region ended with 2,461,568 tons caught which will produce 696,300 tons of fishmeal (87%) and fish oil (13%). 

First Peruvian anchovy fishing season ends with 98.1% of quota

The Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce) reported that the first anchovy fishing season in the North-Central region ended with 2,461,568 tons caught, exceeding the volume of the first season of 2020 by 4.1%. 

The first anchovy fishing season generated $1,065 million in exports of fishmeal and crude oil. The head of Produce, Yván Quispe Apaza, said that it will produce 696,300 tons of fishmeal (87%) and fish oil (13%). 

The first anchovy fishing season was carried out from April 23 to August 11 and registered a landing of 2,461,568 tons, which is equivalent to 98.1% of the assigned fishing quota (2.5 million tons).

Produce also reported that the landing of hydrobiological resources for indirect human consumption registered an average annual increase of 3.2% in the last five years, with a volume of 3.953 million tons.