

Fish 2.0 competition draws 161 competitors from around the world

Competitors in the third Fish 2.0 business competition for sustainable seafood are a diverse group of global, innovative businesses. This year’s competition criteria is focused heavily on wild fisheries and supply chain innovation in most geographies, with aquaculture innovations highlighted mainly in Southeast Asia and on the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts of the U.S. “The businesses all have promising approaches and innovative technologies. It’s good news for the seafood industry that so many new ventures are emerging to improve sustainability and to create products and services that both consumers and seafood buyers will love.”

The 161 competitors in the third Fish 2.0 business competition for sustainable seafood are a diverse group of global, innovative businesses, and they demonstrate significant growth in wild fisheries and supply chain innovation.

This year’s competition criteria is focused heavily on wild fisheries and supply chain innovation in most geographies, with aquaculture innovations highlighted mainly in Southeast Asia and on the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts of the U.S. The businesses promise a range of solutions to challenges throughout the sustainable seafood sector, with business models adapted to different contexts and seafood species, and experienced management teams.

“We are really bowled over,” said Monica Jain, Fish 2.0 founder and executive director. “The businesses all have promising approaches and innovative technologies. It’s good news for the seafood industry that so many new ventures are emerging to improve sustainability and to create products and services that both consumers and seafood buyers will love.”

In this year’s competition, enterprises are distributed relatively evenly among eight segments, which include six regional tracks: Chile and Peru, New England (U.S.), Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, South Atlantic and Gulf Coast Shellfish (U.S.), and West Coast (U.S.); and two global tracks: Transparency and Traceability, and Supply Chain Innovation.

The value of Fish 2.0 for strengthening and connecting businesses is evidenced by a notable number of entrants who say they already have the investment they need in their current round. “These ventures are ready to scale,” said Jain, “and they are looking forward to using the Fish 2.0 platform to help them build strong networks and move forward faster.”

In the lead-up to the finals, businesses will compete in their tracks in two phases, answering questions on their business strategies, impacts, risks, and financial planning through August. The top 40 ventures will then be selected to pitch at the Fish 2.0 Global Innovation Forum, Nov. 7–8 at Stanford University, where 300 seafood investors and experts will come together to share knowledge and find opportunities.