

Funding call will unlock $567,000 for research projects in Scotland

SAIC will support innovation throughout the Scottish sector funding research on fish health and welfare, new technologies, and non-finfish farming species.


The Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has opened a new call for collaborative innovation projects. More than GBP 500,000 (USD 567,000) will be split between successful proposals designed to future-proof Scottish aquaculture and support sustainable growth while minimizing its environmental impact.

The new funding call, which is meant for collaborative research teams and Scottish Higher Education Institutions, will be open until December 7.

Fish welfare, new technology to unlock additional capacity, and non-finfish farming are priority topics. The applicant teams must include in their proposal a description of the impact that their project will cause on the sector. The selected project must be ready to begin next spring to be completed by July 2024.

SAIC, which recently supported with GBP 1.1 million (USD 1.25 million) artificial intelligence and imaging technology projects for environmental monitoring as well as a study to boost the use of cleaner fish against sea lice, underlines the importance of research for building resilience against the current economic pressures.

“We look forward to receiving a range of proposals representing all parts of the sector, including initiatives that address the impact of climate change on farming conditions, as well as projects closely linked to the aims of the Farmed Fish Health Framework, a collaboration between the sector and the Scottish Government,” said Heather Jones, CEO of SAIC. “Scotland has a wealth of expertise and experience in aquaculture to draw upon and we are keen to support initiatives that reflect that, unlocking opportunities that support rural communities, small businesses, and a global supply chain.”

Find more information about the call here.