

Global Aquaculture Alliance Extends Comment Period for Revised BAP Standards Development Process

The Global Aquaculture Alliance has extended the public comment period for its revised Best Aquaculture Practices standards development process to February 29

Global Aquaculture Alliance Extends Comment Period for Revised BAP Standards Development Process
The Global Aquaculture Alliance has extended the public comment period for its revised Best Aquaculture Practices standards development process to February 29. Interested parties can submit comments online at

The proposed process will include a new 12-member Standards Oversight Committee to coordinate the development of the BAP certification standards for aquaculture facilities. In addition, the SOC will manage public input and ongoing revisions to the BAP standards. Its members will include equal representation from three key stakeholder groups: nongovernmental conservation and social justice organizations, academic institutions and regulatory agencies, and industry. 

“We are continuing to receive valuable comments as word of the review reaches a broader group,” GAA President George Chamberlain said. “As BAP expands to cover fish as well as shrimp, we want to be sure that everyone has the opportunity to participate so we ultimately reach the best possible administrative structure and process for the standards.”

The comment page includes an electronic comment form as well as a downloadable file that outlines how the SOC would function in coordination with GAA’s board and the BAP technical committees that draft standards.

As the new SOC committee formalizes, nominations for its membership should be sent to BAP Standards Coordinator Daniel Lee or faxed to +44-0-1248-716729. Appointments to the SOC are expected to be made during the first quarter of 2008.