

Global Aquaculture Alliance Invites Stakeholder Input on BAP Standards At Boston Seafood Show

Stakeholders to have say in GAA Best Aquaculture Practices certification program

Global Aquaculture Alliance Invites Stakeholder Input on BAP Standards At Boston Seafood Show
In its continuing effort to involve as many stakeholders as possible in the Best Aquaculture Practices certification program, the Global Aquaculture Alliance invites all interested parties to attend a February 26 meeting on the status of the expanding BAP program. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the International Boston Seafood Show from 9 to 11 a.m. in Room 252A of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.

New BAP standards for channel catfish and tilapia farms are approaching completion. The public comment period for GAA’s revised BAP standards development process will close at the end of February. In addition to information on these topics, GAA representatives will provide further program updates and answer questions about certification during the meeting in Boston.

“GAA greatly values the input we have received through these stakeholder meetings,” GAA President George Chamberlain said. “Comments from groups and individuals around the world continue to spark positive changes in the Best Aquaculture Practices program.”

For example, previous comments helped lead to the proposed formation of a 12-member Standards Oversight Committee composed of stakeholders from conservation and social justice organizations, academic institutions and regulatory agencies, and industry. The SOC will coordinate the development of the BAP standards, manage public input and consider ongoing revisions.

The new committee will be a key element in GAA’s standards development process. To review and comment on the standards process now under revision, submit comments at by Feb. 29. To suggest nominees for the Standards Oversight Committee, contact BAP Standards Coordinator Daniel Lee by e-mail at or fax at +44-0-1248-716729.

The Global Aquaculture Alliance held several stakeholder meetings over the past few months. In January, Lee met with representatives of conservation-minded NGOs in conjunction with the Seafood Choices Alliance’s Seafood Summit to discuss the standards development process. Last November, GAA invited NGOs to participate in its Global Outlook for Aquaculture Leadership 2007 conference in Spain and hosted several breakout meetings on individual standards. Additional standards meetings will take place at the Oct. 28-31 GOAL 2008 meeting in Qingdao, China.