

Global Aquaculture Fish Outlook: 2005

Registration deadlines approaching

Registration deadlines are fast approaching for Global Aquaculture Fish Outlook: 2005, a May 23-25 conference in Chicago organized by the Global Aquaculture Alliance as a high-level forum for important production information, market updates, and unique perspectives on the growing fish aquaculture industry.

GAFO preregistration closes May 13, and the deadline to reserve discounted rooms at the conference hotel is May 2. Those interested in attending the event should return the forms posted online at or contact the GAA office as soon as possible. Forms submitted without prior approval are subject to review by the GAFO Steering Committee. Limited registration will be available on site in Chicago.

Global Aquaculture Fish Outlook: 2005 will provide the latest information on global production volumes and trends for salmon, tilapia, trout, channel catfish, basa, sea bass, sea bream and other emerging species. GAFO: 2005 will also review major retail and food service markets in the United States, Europe and Japan.

A key element of the event will be the direct interaction between aquaculture leaders and top buyers to explore industry issues, develop strategic solutions, and strengthen business relationships. Attendees are strongly encouraged to join in the panel discussions on trade, food safety and fishmeal use.

GAFO: 2005 will be based at the conference facilities of the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook Hotel in Oak Brook, a suburb of Chicago. The format of the meeting consists of a golf tournament, city tour and cocktail reception on May 23, followed by a full day of intensive sessions on May 24 and a half day on May 25.

Presentations will be delivered by industry leaders from companies like Regal Springs, Clear Springs, American Pride, Costco, Sysco, Darden Restaurants, and McDonald's Corp. Nutreco CEO Wout Dekker will present a visionary view of the critical challenges and opportunities facing this business in his keynote luncheon address on May 24.

GAA is pleased to announce that Grobest Group will be a platinum sponsor for Global Aquaculture Fish Outlook: 2005. In addition, Harbor Seafood and Camanchaca Inc. have pledged support for the event as gold-level sponsors. Eastern Fish Co., Zeigler Brothers, Inc., and Empacadora Nacional, C.A. are silver sponsors.

For additional information, visit or contact the Global Aquaculture Alliance office:  e-mail

GAA is an international, nonprofit trade association dedicated to advancing environmentally and socially responsible aquaculture.