

Group formed to create gourmet image for Mexican shrimp

A new industry group, the Consejo Mexicano del Camarón (Mexican Shrimp Council), has been set up to market Mexican shrimp as superior in texture and flavor to those from all other origins.
Group formed to create gourmet image for Mexican shrimp

A new industry group, the Consejo Mexicano del Camarón (Mexican Shrimp Council), has been set up to market Mexican shrimp as superior in texture and flavor to those from all other origins. 

Through an educational campaign intended, the Council will peomote Mexican Shrimp as the gourmet shrimp  - the "shrimp lover's" shrimp.

"The Mexican Shrimp Council was based on a very simple idea: we produce the best shrimp in the world, and we want to tell people about it," said Daniel Gutierrez, founding member of the Council and General Manager of Mexico-based Acuicola del Desierto.

With members from both Mexico and the U.S., the Council's primary focus is to educate those who purchase shrimp, in particular the U.S. foodservice industry, about the many reasons why Mexican Shrimp as a premium product tastes better, is of the highest quality and is more satisfying to consumers.

Mexican Shrimp already enjoys a level of prestige among culinary savants and seafood lovers, mostly due to long-standing commitment of Mexican shrimp producers, processors and importers to optimum quality assurance from harvest to package.

"Mexican Shrimp is subject to rigorous, governmental and self-imposed inspection processes throughout its lifecycle," explained Antonio Diaz, another founding member and president and CEO of Ocean Garden Products, the largest U.S. importer of Mexican Shrimp.

Diaz also said that the Council has the full support of the Mexican government including CONAPESCA (National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission) and SAGARPA (Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Nutrition).

"We applaud the vision of key industry leaders in establishing the Mexican Shrimp Council," said Ramón Corral, Mexico's National Commissioner for Aquaculture and Fisheries. "Hopefully American consumers will learn more about how Mexico's climate and geography are ideal for the production of shrimp superior to all others."

A cornerstone of the Council's communications campaign is an official seal which will be awarded for use in packaging and marketing to participating Mexican Shrimp producers who meet quality standards set forth by the Council.

Founded in late 2003, the Mexican Shrimp Council is a group of producers, processors, suppliers and marketers working together to educate the foodservice industry and consumer audiences about the quality aspects and price-value relationship of Mexican Shrimp.