

How to improve seabass robustness through feeds

In a study supported by Aquasoja, researchers from the University of Porto found that fish immune condition was improved through short-term feeding with Aquasoja functional feed. 

How to improve seabass robustness through feeds

At the IJUP’2021 (14th edition) – Young Research Meeting from the University of Porto, that took place from May 5-7, Aquasoja shared some of its recent studies in European seabass. 

André Cunha presented the results from the work Effects of Ygeia+ on European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) health condition and disease resistance, supported by Soja de Portugal with Sara Magalhães, technical manager, and Tiago Aires, technical director, at Aquasoja as co-authors. This project aimed to study (1) the effects of Ygeia+ short-term feeding on immune condition, oxidative stress and disease resistance, and (2) assess the interactive effects of short-term feeding with Ygeia+ and vaccination in the immune response and disease resistance. Two different trials that focused on these two project objectives were performed in RAS, both produced and conducted by Aquasoja. 

The first trial pointed out a positive effect on immune condition on fish fed with Ygeia+ for five days, with an increase in circulating monocyte and neutrophil numbers following inflammation. In the second trial, an increase of specific IgM in all vaccinated groups was observed, showing an improved survival. Additionally, vaccinated seabass that fed Ygeia+ for ten days increased total glutathione levels in the liver. “Ygeia+ was confirmed as a valuable sustainable prophylactic strategy to improve European seabass robustness,” researchers said.

Soja de Portugal participated in several editions of IJUP Meeting in recent years, contributing to the development of a great number of projects at the University of Porto and also contributing to the discussion of scientific knowledge every year.