

ICCF's new guidance on homogeneity testing of feed ingredients

The document provides guidance regarding the homogeneity testing approaches and data to be included in a pre-market approval or authorization application for feed ingredients.

ICCF’s new guidance on homogeneity testing of feed ingredients

The steering committee of the International Cooperation for Convergence of Technical Requirements for the Assessment of Feed Ingredients (ICCF) endorsed the guidance document on “Homogeneity Testing of Feed Ingredients” at its meeting on September 10, 2020.

This document provides guidance regarding the homogeneity testing approaches and data to be included in a pre-market approval or authorization application for feed ingredients. The guidance document is the outcome of the work of the Expert Working Group composed of dedicated regulatory authority and industry experts from the founding members. The group developed an initial draft guidance document, built on consensus between the experts and supported by scientific publications. This draft was submitted to public consultation for a one-month period (October 2019). Comments from regulators, academia and industry from different regions of the world were received and considered. The Expert Working Group finalized the guidance document in July 2020 and submitted it to the ICCF Steering Committee for endorsement.

This follows the first two guidance documents which were published in April 2019 covering "Stability Testing of Feed Ingredients" and "Sub-chronic Oral Toxicity Testing in Laboratory Animals."

The ICCF is the result of a concerted effort to bring feed regulators and industry feed associations together to develop common guidance documents for technical requirements needed in the assessment of feed ingredients. This will benefit not only the three regions covered, but the guidance documents will be made available for reference and use by other jurisdictions around the globe.

Download the ICCF guidance here.