

IFEEDER board working to advance industry's sustainability journey

The board supports incorporating a strategy focused on advancing solutions and being a resource for the animal food industry’s sustainability journey.

IFEEDER board working to advance industry’s sustainability journey
Scott Druker of Church & Dwight Company, Inc. becomes IFEEDER’s Board chair (2021-22).

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) held its annual Board of Trustees meeting to review the public charity’s accomplishments over the past year, discuss strategic priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and install new trustees and Board leadership.

“Animal agriculture has an important voice in the heightened conversations on climate change and sustainability. Within the animal food industry, important innovations and game-changing solutions are being advanced to ensure a healthy environment and clean air and water while ensuring a safe and nutritious food supply,” said Lara Moody, IFEEDER’s executive director. “To ensure industry efforts are recognized and utilized to achieve the desired outcomes, the IFEEDER board is committed to filling research and knowledge gaps as well as developing tools to advance sustainable actions.”

The board supports incorporating a strategy focused on advancing solutions and being a resource for the animal food industry’s sustainability journey. A key project this year includes developing a road map for industry members to determine their environmental footprints, pursue climate change mitigation strategies and communicate continuous improvement efforts.

As part of the business meeting, the trustees recognized Tim Belstra, of Belstra Milling Co., for his leadership as board chair for the 2020-21 IFEEDER fiscal year and installed Scott Druker, Ph.D., of Church & Dwight Company, Inc., as the new chair for the 2021-22 fiscal year. The IFEEDER board voted to accept the nomination of John Metzger, of Elanco Animal Health, as its vice chair for the 2021-22 fiscal year.

With the installation of three new trustees, the IFEEDER Board of Trustees now includes: Tim Belstra of Belstra Milling Co.; Partha Bora of Wilbur-Ellis; Leah Dorman, D.V.M. of Phibro Animal Health Corporation; Scott Druker of Church & Dwight Company, Inc.; Kevin Halpin of International Ingredient Corporation; Steve Lerner of Chr. Hansen Animal Health and Nutrition; Joe Lucas of CJ Bio America, Inc.; Mark Lueking of Cargill Animal Nutrition; Ashley McDonald of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association; and John Metzger of Elanco Animal Health.

IFEEDER would like to recognize and thank the following outgoing board members for their support and service: Eduardo Galo of Novus International, Inc.; Michael Goble of Diamond V; Chad Risley of Berg+Schmidt America, LLC; and A. Wayne Rod of The F.L. Emmert Company.