

IFFO RS launches Version 2.0 of IFFO RS standard

A new version of the IFFO Responsible Supply (RS) standard has been released. The IFFO RS team consulted members and other stakeholders, held workshops with users of the scheme and went back to their multi-stakeholder governing body to approve the changes. These included a new fisheries assessment methodology for the multispecies fisheries, a new Good Manufacturing Practice section and updated clauses covering social welfare and pollution management.

A new version of the IFFO Responsible Supply (RS) standard has been released. 

IFFO RS Standard Version 2.0 underwent a comprehensive standard development process which included two Public Consultations (the first being for 30 days and the second 60 days) to seek stakeholder input to offer those directly and indirectly affected by the proposed new version the opportunity to provide feedback. A multi-stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee worked on the details of the new Version which was then adopted by the Governance Board.

Some of the Key Developments for IFFO RS Standard Version 2.0 include:

  • Enhancement of the IFFO RS Approval Criteria for whole fish (mixed and single fisheries) used as raw material in order to promote more responsible fisheries management.
  • Enhancement of the IFFO RS Approval Criteria for whole fish (mixed and single fisheries) used as raw material in order to promote more responsible fisheries management.
  • Introduction of criteria to assess good manufacturing practices in order to increase its relevancy and accessibility to the marine ingredient value chain. Certifications such as GMP+ and FEMAS will continue to be recognised by the new version.
  • Promote and create improved social and welfare benefits (taking into account International Labour Organisation (ILO) convention) for all workers employed within the marine ingredients producing factory.
  • Develop the standard in order to allow harmonisation and recognition within other relevant fisheries and aquaculture standards

All new applicants must apply to the new version of the IFFO RS Standard 1 month after the launch date and current IFFO RS certified factories under Version 1.6 Standard will have a 1 year transition period. IFFO RS aims to have all IFFO RS certificate holders certified under Version 2.0 by 2019. 

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