

IFIF launches feed safety training in Ghana

The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) has announced the launch of the IFIF Global Animal Nutrition Program\'s \'Train the Trainer\' program in Ghana. Over 30 national and regional feed officials and feed mill representatives participated in the first training and they will act as multipliers by sharing the training with colleagues throughout Ghana. The training program is based on the IFIF FAO Feed Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Industry and focuses on increasing safety and feed quality at the production level. \"We will continue to roll out our Global Animal Nutrition Program to other countries to support, train and develop the capacities of the local feed industries to raise feed and food safety standards globally.”

The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) has announced the launch of the IFIF Global Animal Nutrition Program\'s \'Train the Trainer\' program in Ghana. Over 30 national and regional feed officials and feed mill representatives participated in the first training and they will act as multipliers by sharing the training with colleagues throughout Ghana.

Supported by the Ghana Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), the training program is based on the IFIF FAO Feed Manual of Good Practices for the Feed Industry and focuses on increasing safety and feed quality at the production level. 

The IFIF Global Animal Nutrition Program \'Train the Trainer\' is designed to raise capacities for feed safety in developing regions by training key individuals who can then act as trainers on site within a country. 

“We are pleased that we were able to hold our IFIF Global Animal Nutrition Program in Ghana together with the Animal Production Directorate of the MoFA in Ghana,\" stated Alexandra de Athayde, IFIF Executive Director. \"The IFIF training has real impacts for participants who can apply their new feed safety skills in across Ghana and I congratulate all the participants for their dedication to increase feed safety and quality at the production level and I thank the Animal Production Directorate for the excellent collaboration and support on this important initiative.”

Ms. de Athayde added “IFIF members represent over 80% of animal feed production worldwide and capacity development for feed safety is one of the key priorities for IFIF. We will continue to roll out our Global Animal Nutrition Program to other countries to support, train and develop the capacities of the local feed industries to raise feed and food safety standards globally.”

Dr. Abdul Razak Okine, Deputy Director at the Animal Production Directorate of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), said, “the Ghana feed industry is diverse and we are committed to continue working with stakeholders in the industry towards achieving good practice benchmarks for animal feed safety and human food safety. Through the IFIF training program our livestock officers/feed officials and feed millers are better able to understand the FAO/IFIF Code of Practice for Good Animal Feeding and other Codex standards, including hazards associated with animal feed, good production practices, cross contamination, and sampling and analysis.\"