

INDIA - Formulated feed for marine cultivable carnivorous fish released

World Bank project delivers formulated feed for farmed Seabass from Yellowfin tuna waste
INDIA - Formulated feed for marine cultivable carnivorous fish  released

Formulated feed for marine cultivable carnivorous fishes  released

Silofeed for seabass

Under the World Bank funded National Agricultural Innovation project (NAIP)  "A value chain on oceanic tuna fisheries in Lakshadweep Sea", a formulated feed for  farmed Seabass prepared from non-consumable parts of Yellowfin tuna was released by Dr. J. P. Mittal, National Coordinator, NAIP. It was handed over to Sri. Abraham Tharakan, Chairman, Amalgam Seafoods Pvt Ltd., and former President of Seafood Export Association of India  in the presence of Dr. G. Syda Rao, Director, CMFRI, Cochin in a function held in  Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Cochin on 27 March 2009.

The Cadalmin brand  Silofeed  prepared from  processed wastes of  tuna using a fermentation technique was jointly developed by Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin  and CMFRI  and feed trials were conducted for Seabass at Regional Centre of CMFRI, Mandapam Camp. Feeding trials indicated good water stability, acceptability and feed conversion ratio. The feed cost is estimated to be Rs. 25/- per Kg. Further trials with other cultivatable food fish, such as Cobia and Grouper, and marine ornamental fish are in progress.

In the Lakshadweep Islands, the tuna fish catch is processed  in the landing centre itself. The fish waste is buried in the beach itself . When it decomposes, it leaches out into the lagoon water, causing environmental and health problems. Under the NAIP project, one of the priority areas for research is the development of value added products from Yellowfin tuna and utilization of tuna waste in fish and pet feeds. The World Bank funded project  will address environmental and social issues and create opportunity for the Island fishermen in adopting technologies developed under the project for socioeconomic development of the Islanders.  The project will  develop different grades of  growout feed for different growth stages of the fish during farming. Feasibility of establishing a pilot scale feed mill in Agatti is being evaluated under the NAIP project.