

INDONESIA - Indonesian Mariculture Products Possess Significant Global Market Potential

The Indonesian government is focusing on increasing the production of cultured fishery products as these commodities have huge potential in the global market. Economic growth in the fishery sector in the first quarter of 2015 was recorded at 8.64 percent.

The Indonesian government, through the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP), is focusing on increasing the production of cultured fishery products as these commodities have huge potential in the global market, a senior official stated.

\"Mariculture products have high economic value as they have immense global market potential and good export prospects,\" Director General of Cultured Fisheries Affairs of the KKP Slamet Soebijakto noted. He emphasized that the government needed to develop fishery zoning in the regions to facilitate the development of mariculture.

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, economic growth in the fishery sector in the first quarter of 2015 was recorded at 8.64 percent.

[Source: Nasdaq. Read article]