

Information on European Feed Additives Authorization Consortia Now Online

FEFANA, the EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association, has launched informative web pages on the feed additives authorization consortia

Information on European Feed Additives Authorization Consortia Now Online

FEFANA, the EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association, has launched informative web pages on the feed additives authorization consortia. They describing the scope, objective and membership and include a helpful Questions and Answers feature as well as outlining the terms for the set up of the additives working list for each established consortium.

The launch of the Authorisation Consortia web pages is a reflection of FEFANA’s intention to offer efficient services to its members and partners. The pages have been developed with the aim of providing information for visitors on the different Feed Additives Authorisation Consortia created so far by FEFANA:
AMAC - Amino Acids Authorisation Consortium,
CARAC - Carotenoids Authorisation Consortium,
FFAC - Feed Flavouring Authorisation Consortium,
TREAC - Trace Elements Authorisation Consortium and
VITAC - Vitamin Authorisation Consortium.

Within the framework of Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003, the re-evaluation of additives already placed on the market is required in order to maintain them on the European market. This will be done based on an application dossier to be tabled before the 7th of November 2010.

In order to help its membership and the industry in general while establishing the necessary coordination in the frame of these authorization dossiers, FEFANA has progressively been setting up authorization consortia in the form of European Economic Interest Groupings (EEIGs), legally separate but closely related to FEFANA. Each EEIG is focusing on a specific group of feed additives, according to the needs and priorities identified by FEFANA Members.

The five consortia mentioned above have already been formed and others are in preparation; acids and emulsifiers is in line to be the next consortium that will be established. The fact that a consortium is established does not necessarily means that all the additives pertaining to this group are being taken care of; this depends on the interests and commitment of the members of the consortium.

Through the web pages, you will find more online information about the general structure of each EEIG as well as principles of the consortia and instructions on how to apply for membership.

There is also a Questions and Answers page regarding the establishment of consortia for the re-evaluation of feed additives as well as a list of members for each consortium. Contact information is also included.

A first group of companies has been invited to join the Consortia. However, not all interested parties have been reached, and that is why FEFANA believes that placing these pages online can be very useful. Activities within all five established consortia is already well under way and any company is most welcome to join them as soon as possible to proactively take part in the ongoing work.

The new web pages include clear navigation, focused content and a user-friendly interface for enhanced usability. The entire site was built using resources and expertise inside FEFANA.

FEFANA is the EU Feed Additives and Premixtures Association. It was established on October 13th, 2004 and is the new juridical form of the feed additives producers association that was founded in 1963. With 83 members (including producers, traders and importers) from 28 countries, the association is the interface between the feed additives and premixtures industry and the European Union authorities, including Member States authorities, in order to promote, safeguard and defend common and general interests of the industry (in several topics like guidelines, register, labelling and definitions, analysis, feed hygiene and food chain safety or non-feed use of additives).

FEFANA’s President is Dr Hadden Graham of AB Agri. For more information, please contact: Didier Jans Secretary General FEFANA or visit: