

International Workshop on Shrimp Nutrition: “Cost Management of Feeds”

Organized by Brunei Department of Fisheries & Integrated Aquaculture International, the workshop will take place
November 4-6, 2008 in Brunei Darussalam



Cost Management of Feeds

Organized by Brunei Department of Fisheries & Integrated Aquaculture International

November 4-6, 2008

Brunei Darussalam


As ingredient and energy costs have spiraled upwards to unprecedented highs, nutritionists and formulators in the feed manufacturing sector are under pressure to manage the cost of feeds without compromising performance. In a workshop planned for November 4-6, 2008 in Brunei Darussalam, international experts are addressing key aspects of managing feed costs. This workshop is unique in its involvement of leading commercial feed manufacturers, and its integrated perspective in considering the entire value chain of aquaculture production, particularly shrimp production. Topics include:

·         Latest and emerging approaches in aquatic animal nutrition research and how they relate to feed cost management

·         New developments in plant and animal protein utilization in aqua feeds

·         Feed processing technology as a tool for cost management

·         Formulating for cost management: technology, tools and experience

·         Feed management for optimizing costs

The workshop also offers the participants opportunities to see the new Shrimp Nutrition Research Center (SNRC) operated by the Brunei Department of Fisheries and Integrated Aquaculture International, and understand the research-based approach used in feed cost management. In addition, the participants will have a tour of the world-class facilities established in Brunei for the development of Specific Pathogen Free shrimp and understand technology and investment opportunities provided by Brunei Darussalam in aquaculture.    

The workshop will feature a series of in-depth lectures followed by panel discussions on November 4 and 5. A field trip to SNRC and facilities involved in SPF developed will be on November 6.

International experts who will provide the lectures include:

Dr Ronald Hardy, Aquaculture Research Center, University of Idaho. Dr Hardy is an eminent aquaculture nutritionist whose prolific research and communications on aqua feed ingredients have resulted in vast advancements in the way new ingredients are valued and used.  

Mr Don Lindsey, Solae. Mr Lindsey comes from a company that is making fast progress in the way soy is used to create novel ingredients including solutions for fish oil replacement and will handle topics related to plant proteins and oils.

Dr Sergio Nates, Fats and Proteins Research Foundation. Dr Nates directs a program in which several thousands of dollars are spent on understanding rendered animal proteins and fats through organized and competitive research and has access to the latest done on the value of animal proteins and fats in aqua feed formulation. He is also involved in developing certification programs for aqua feed manufacturers that have an impact on ingredient usage.  

Dr Peter Coutteau, INVE Feedmill Solutions. Dr Coutteau is a trained aquaculture nutritionist who manages R&D and formulation related to ingredient and additive use in commercial aqua feeds.

Mr Paul Chen, Wenger Corporation. A representative of the extrusion company that excels in aqua feed processing will speak about new developments in extrusion technology that provides low cost feed formulation solutions through increased flexibility in raw material choice in shrimp feeds.

Mr Richard Rossi, Feedsoft. A mathematician by training and a software expert will talk about advances in feed formulation software technology that can be applied to effectively manage feed costs.


Experts from Brunei Department of Fisheries and Integrated Aquaculture International who will address the workshop are:

Mr Sabri Taha will speak about Brunei’s aquaculture, feed industry and feed management practices of farmers.

Dr George Chamberlain will provide insight on solutions provided through integration for cost effectiveness.

Dr Victor Suresh will talk about formulation approaches to lower feed costs.

Dr Kumaraguru vasagam will show data from research conducted at the SNRC and talk about the ways to use research to achieve feed cost reduction.

Mr Thomas James will talk about feed management in shrimp farms and its importance in cost reduction.

Registration Fee: USD 250

Registration Fee covers workshop materials, lunches, coffee and refreshments, group dinner on November 5, 2008, and the optional field trip.

Hotel Prices in Brunei

4-star: USD 90/night | 5-star: USD 125/night | 5-star Resort: USD 150/night

How to Register?

Detailed information on the workshop will be available in the second announcement scheduled to be released in the second week of September 2008. If you are interested in attending the workshop and would like to receive the second announcement, please forward the following information to on or before August 21, 2008.


YES, I am interested in attending the International Workshop on Aquaculture Nutrition in Brunei on November 4-6, 2008

My name:

My e-mail address:

My organization & Country:


I will attend the workshop:


r Surely

r Tentatively

My preference for hotel

r 4-Star (USD 90/night)

r 5-Star (USD 125/night)

r 5-Star Resort (USD 150/night)