

Invitation to Aquaculture Europe 2003 Conference

We hereby kindly invite you to register for the Aquaculture Europe 2003 Conference

We hereby kindly invite you to register for the Aquaculture Europe 2003 Conference, organised by the European Aquaculture Society(EAS) in collaboration with the Nor-Fishing Foundation, and which will take place in Trondheim, Norway, from August 8-11, 2003. This international conference will immediately be followed by the Aqua Nor trade show (August 12-15), the largest aquaculture exhibition in the world.

The conference theme, “Beyond monoculture” will address the recent revived interest for integrating fed aquaculture with inorganic and organic extractive aquaculture (algae/aquatic plants and shellfish), based on the common sense approach of conversion of wastes rather than discharge and their dilution. Efforts to develop new multitrophic systems, making this timely for this conference which will focus on the status of such efforts, related issues and the evaluation of their potential and constraints.

The conference running over 3 days, will be followed by a one-day workshop (August 12) focusing on the present status of mussel farming technologies, in particular related to the development of the industry in Norway.

Aquaculture Europe 2003 will be held at the same time as the second session of the FAO COFI sub-committee on aquaculture, turning the city of Trondheim into THE place to be for anyone with a keen interest in the field of aquaculture. The second announcement is now available at

As an appetizer, hereby the list of plenary presentations and sessions

Plenary presentations
Plenary session I
“The economics of integrated aquaculture”, Richard Slaski (Epsilon Aquaculture Ltd, UK)
“Appropriate integrated systems for appropriate regions” ,Muki Shpigel and Amir Neori (National Center for Mariculture, Israel)

Plenary session II
“Legislation and regulations”, Ian Davies (Fisheries Research Services, UK)
“Food safety and quality management system models for the aquaculture supply chain”, Aldin Hilbrands (SGS AgroControl, The Netherlands)

Plenary session III
“Development of integrated mariculture - identification of some key research issues”, Max Troell (The Beijer Institute, The International Institute of Ecological Economics, Sweden)
“Integrated aquaculture: global experience, opportunities and constraints”, John Hambrey (Nautilus Consultants Ltd, UK)

Parallel sessions (PS)
These will look further into the different system approaches within the main conference theme and are the basis of contributed presentations. They will address the themes of the plenary sessions and will identify future research needs and the types of teams required to conduct such research.

PS 1 - Integrated open seawater-based systems
Chairs: T. Chopin (Canada) and S. Robinson (Canada)
PS 2 - Integrated freshwater systems
Chairs: R. de Nys (Australia) and L. Varadi (Hungary)
PS 3 - Zero discharge recirculation systems
Chairs: U. Waller (Germany) and E. Eding (The Netherlands)
PS 4 - Integrated land-based seawater-based systems
Chairs: M. Shpigel (Israel) and J. Hussenot (France)
PS 5 - Economics and legislation of integrated aquaculture
Chairs: M. Troell (Sweden) and J. Rakocy (USA)
PS 6 - Recent advances in juvenile and new species production
Chairs: G. Rosenlund (Norway) and B. Koven (Israel)
PS 7 - Biological system modelling
Chair: S. Lefebvre (France)
PS 8 - Animal and ecosystem health
Chairs: A. Diamant (Israel) and R. Stagg (UK)
PS 9 - Recent advances in feeding and nutrition
Chairs: T. Åsgård (Norway) and T. Galloway (Norway)
PS 10 - EU forum
Chairs: M. Lopes dos Santos (EU, DG Fisheries) and J. Fuchs (EU, DG Fisheries)

The conference is designed to interest academics as well as aquaculture producers, trade suppliers, buyers of aquaculture products and policy makers. There will be poster sessions to accompany each of the themes, providing further opportunity for discussions between participants. Special attention will also be given to the practical aspects of aquaculture of interest to the producers.

A one-day workshop will be held on August 12, 2003, i.e. the first day of the Aqua Nor exhibition, entitled “Mussel Farming Technologies and Development”. It will be chaired by Douglas McLeod (Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers, UK) and Ståle Hansen (Fiskeridirektoratet, Norway) and is being co-organised by: John Bonardelli (Shellfish Solutions 4Success®, Norway).

This special workshop will address the latest developments in the mussel production industry and will address biological and technical aspects (including biomass management, grading and harvesting), as well as legislative and marketing matters covering an update on latest EU legislation for third countries (including Norway) and an overview of potential business strategies.

Based on interest indication in participation since the first announcement, aquaculturists and scientists from as many as 45 countries will join us in Trondheim. In view of the high demand for hotel accommodation during that week in Trondheim, we strongly recommend to make your reservation as early as possible. The hotel reservation form can be found at or through the link below.

Furthermore we also take this opportunity to inform you that the next registration deadline is May 31, 2003. After that date registration prices increase. Therefore, if you didn't yet register by registering now you can save money! For your convenience please find the registration form attached.

On behalf of the Organising and Programme Committee, we very much look forward to welcoming you in Trondheim

Please visit our web pages for continuous updates to the program and profiles of invited speakers.
Registration forms are also available, as well as practical information on the meeting and on Trondheim.

For more information, please contact: EAS Conference Secretariat
E- mail: or visit

Dr. S. Stead
Chairperson Organising Committee

Direct link to forms: