

Involvement of foreign foundations in Canada: Senate discussion (2012)

Canadian Senator Nicole Eaton announced she will be launching a new inquiry into the involvement of foreign foundations in Canada's domestic affairs and their abuse of existing Revenue Canada's charitable status. "This inquiry is about masters of manipulation who are hiding behind charitable organizations to manipulate our policies to their own advantage," she told the Senate

Canadian Senator Nicole Eaton announced Feb. 2, 2012 that she will be launching a new inquiry into the involvement of foreign foundations in Canada's domestic affairs and their abuse of existing Revenue Canada's charitable status.

"This inquiry is about masters of manipulation who are hiding behind charitable organizations to manipulate our policies to their own advantage," she told the Senate Feb. 2.

One Canadian business which has been particularly hard-hit has been B.C. salmon farming, which has been victim of a demarketing campaign, she said. 

"De-marketing is reducing or shifting the demand. This tactic has been used against Canadian forest products and, more recently, Alberta oil, but the Canadian export that has been hardest hit is farmed salmon," she said. "What is the result? Since 2003, the ex-vessel value of Alaskan salmon has more than tripled to $500 million at the expense of B.C. salmon."

Click here to download and read the full transcript of her statements in the Senate (PDF). [Source: Mainstream Canada]