

K-State Professor Robert R. McEllhiney Passes at Age 78

Feed industry loses distinuished friend and mentor

Professor Emeritus Robert R. McEllhiney had a long and distinguished career in both the commercial feed industry and in the Feed Science and Management program in the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University.


While at K-State, Professor McEllhiney taught "Concepts of Modern Feed Mill Design," "Management Applications in the Grain Processing Industries," "Commercial Feed and Food Manufacturing Internship," and "Feed Technology II," and assisted with "Feed Technology I" and "Qualities of Food and Feed Ingredients." While working in industry, he hired several Feed Science graduates, and, after coming to K-State he was very active in placing graduates in the industry.

Professor McEllhiney served as Technical Editor for Feed Manufacturing Technology III and Feed Manufacturing Technology IV. Feed Manufacturing Technology V was dedicated to him.


He published hundreds of articles and presented papers at many industry short courses and seminars throughout the US and more than 20 other countries.


He earned his B.S. from Purdue University and his M.B.A. from Indiana University. Prior to joining the Feed Science faculty in 1979, Bob spent 27 years in the feed industry: 23 years as General Production Manager for Albers Milling Company, a division of the Carnation Company, and four years as Director of Production, Engineering, Quality Control, and Vehicle Administration for ConAgra, Inc., in their Agri-Products and Consumer Products Divisions.


In addition to his many accomplishments and dedicated service to the feed industry, Bob served on several committees for the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and other state and regional trade organizations. In 1992, he received the AFIA's Distinguished Service Award, and in 1997 was elected to the AFIA/KSU Feed Manufacturing Hall of Fame.

The Robert R. McEllhiney Feed Science Scholarship has been established in his honor. Contributions should be made payable to KSU Foundation and sent to the Department of Grain Science and Industry, c/o Prof. Fred Fairchild, 201 Shellenberger Hall, Manhattan KS 66506-2201, USA.