

Kanazawa Research Grant to Young Asian Scientists

The Asian Fisheries Society/Kanazawa endowment is soliciting applications from Asian nationals for a Research Grant to pursue research leading to a Ph.D. degree in a university in Asia

Kanazawa Research Grant to Young Asian Scientists

The Asian Fisheries Society/Kanazawa endowment is soliciting applications from Asian nationals for a Research Grant of US$ 2,500 to pursue research leading to a Ph.D. degree in one of the universities in Asia.
Any student ftom an Asian country who is undertaking research for his/her doctoral degree in any aspect of fisheries and aquaculture is eligible to apply for the grant.
The applicant should not be over the age of 35 years as on 1 November 2007 and be registered at one of the universities in Asia and undertaking research in any aspect of fisheries and aquaculture.