

Launch of Code of Practice for Shetland Shellfish Aquaculture

Code for Shetland Isles shellfish farmers prepared from existing best practice and industry regulations

Launch of Code of Practice for Shetland Shellfish Aquaculture

This week, the shellfish members of Seafood Shetland have approved a Code of Practice detailing standards and procedures which the industry follows during its operation.


Introducing the Code, chief executive of Seafood Shetland, Ruth Henderson, said: “This is an important document which serves as a guide for shellfish growers. It sets out existing best practice and will be reviewed and updated constantly to reflect developments within the industry and how it is regulated.


“The first of these changes will happen on 1 April this year when the Works Licence will be replaced by land based planning regulations under the Town and Country Planning (Marine Fish Farming) (Scotland) Order 2007.


“Co-operation is a key aspect of this plan: shellfish farmers depend upon clean water and will endeavour to work with other users of the marine environment, public bodies and the wider communities to protect and sustain this resource, at the same time minimising visual impact on the landscape and maintaining clean, safe and orderly sites.”


The Code has been prepared from existing best practice and industry regulations and addresses important issues such as the siting of farms, site access, navigational safety, stock handling, water quality, harvesting, transportation, depuration, equipment, staffing and respect for wildlife.


Seafood Shetland has met with RSPB and had continued consultation with Scottish Natural Heritage in the preparation of the plan to ensure that the industry is making every effort to protect birds, wildlife and habitats of conservation importance. Ruth Henderson continued: “We thank Scottish Natural Heritage for assistance and guidance in the preparation of this document.”

PDF format Code of Practice for Shetland's Shellfish Growers to view or download (3.96Mb)

PDF format Shetland Islands Council Works Licence Policy to view or download (625Kb)

PDF format Shetland Islands Council Works Licence Application Form to view or download (237Kb)

PDF format Crown Estate Seabed Lease to view or download ((412Kb)

PDF format list of shellfish members to view or download (45Kb)