

Le Gouessant first feed producer to be certified by the French GMP (GBPAC)

Animal and aquafeed producer continues to set quality standards

Le Gouessant first feed producer to be certified by the French GMP (GBPAC)

Le Gouessant, a leader in animal and aquatic nutrition, has developed over many years a policy dedicated to quality and feed safety. In 1997, the group, was already certified ISO 9000, a sign of their dedication to quality assurance.
The French GMP guide (GBPAC: Guide de Bonnes Pratiques de la fabrication d’Aliment Composés pour animaux), developed in collaboration with the professional organizations (SNIA - COOP DE FRANCE), is in line with the major issues of the EU feed safety and hygiene regulation package. Le Gouessant has invested in both people and equipment in order to satisfy the requirements of this guide.

In the beginning of 2008, the GBPAC was officially validated by the French authorities: AFSSA, DGAL, DGCCRF and DGS. Meanwhile, the professional organizations decided to set an official certification system by a third party. On May 22, Le Gouessant Group was the first to receive the official certification by QFSA (Bureau Veritas Group).
This certification is based upon key tools such as:

-  an HACCP system at the all six factories,
-  a totally automated process to guarantee production and traceability,
-  a training program for the operators/drivers in the application of the GMP guide,
-  a control plan by laboratories with an annual budget of  €700 K:
      Raw materials       }
      Compound Feed    }   Validation of feed conformity
      Process testing     }

-  A strict purchasing policy (sourcing, supplier controls),
-  A stringent hygiene program (factory, trucks…),
-  Dedicated plants in order to avoid cross-contaminations.