

Lessons from the past to optimise the future

Aquaculture Europe 2005 conference to address
aquaculture sustainability

Aquaculture Europe 2005 conference to address

aquaculture sustainability


“Lessons from the past to optimise the future



Trondheim, Norway, August  5-9, 2005




The events organised at the occasion of Aquaculture Europe 2005 in Trondheim this summer promise to create a an all round and very lively meeting place.  As of today interest has been expressed in attending from  40 countries worldwide and interest inquiries keep  arriving.


These events are linked to the further development of SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE and are taking place  in Trondheim, Norway from August 5-12:


Ø       Aquaculture Europe AE2005. "Lessons from the Past to Optimise the Future".

The EAS annual conference organised in cooperation with the Nor-Fishing Foundation

Friday, August 5 – Monday, August 8

The conference will address the economic, environmental and social (ethical) factors underlying sustainable development of the sector, based on past experience, current knowledge and future needs. A great opportunity to network and to get the latest information.

The conference includes two special forums - one on Innovation in Aquaculture; the second on the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes of the European Union.


Ø       AE2005 Innovation Forum

A special forum within the conference to present 3 European Innovation networks.

Afternoon of Saturday, August 6.


Ø       AE2005 EU Forum on the 6th & 7th Framework Programmes of RTD

A special forum within the conference, chaired by representatives of the European Commission. Afternoon of Sunday, August 7.


Ø       A unique workshop on “Wild and Farmed Salmon – Working Together”

Organised by the NASCO/ salmon farming industry Liaison Group in conjunction with EAS.

Tuesday, August 9

This unique event, which aims to bring together those involved in the management of wild and reared salmon stocks, will have three theme sessions:

  -Area management initiatives (local cooperation between wild and farmed salmon interests);
  - Pros and cons of using sterile salmon in farming and the possible opportunities for cooperative trials;
  - Restoration programmes (cooperative ventures in restoring wild Atlantic salmon).


Ø       Recirculation Aquaculture Technology Workshop.

Recirculating aquaculture technology is the latest sector in aquaculture to have attracted attention and considerable venture capital. The presenters will seek to provide non-biased, research-based information to those that are interested in, or those using recirculating aquaculture fish production systems.
This workshop, which is designed for a broad audience, is being organised by the Aquaculture Engineering Society and EAS on August 9-10.

Ø       Aqua Nor 2005.

The world's biggest aquaculture exhibition attracting 25.000 visitors. Tuesday, August 9 to Friday, August 12.

Get an update on the latest products and services from 500 manufacturers and suppliers to the aquaculture industry. An event not to be missed! Admission to Aqua Nor is free for registered delegates of AE2005 conference and workshops

Ø       A special Aquaculture Innovation Network event

Organised by EAS for Afternoon of Tuesday, August 9.



Aquaculture Europe 2005 conference


Will comprise plenary sessions in the morning introducing topics, followed by parallel sessions comprising keynote and submitted presentations. The conference furthermore comprises specific forums (Innovation forum and the Eu forum on the 6th and 7th framework programmes and RDT) as well as poster sessions with authors present. There will be many opportunities for networking at the occasion of the coffee breaks, joint lunches, poster drinks, gettogether reception and farewell dinner.


The programme committee has invited experts in the field as you will note:


Plenary sessions will be held during the first part of the morning and will address:

-    Lessons from established species. What can be improved and what can be used for the development of new species and the direction of research

     B. Myrseth (Marine Farms ASA, Norway)


-    Health Management in aquaculture: past experience and future trends

     Alain Le Breton (Fish Health Consultancy, France)


-    Is restocking really an option for enhancing exploited fish stocks ?

R.C.A. Bannister and B. R. Howell ( UK)


-    Ethical quality and welfare in farmed fish

     B. Damsgård (Fiskeriforskning, Norway)


-    Assimilative carrying capacity: contribution and impacts on the pelagic system

Yngvar Olsen et al (NTNU, Norway)


-    Sustainable feed resources of marine origin

C.J. Shepherd,  I.H. Pike and S.M. Barlow (International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation, IFFO, UK)



Parallel sessions will be held late morning and afternoon. They will include  the following


PS 01 - Developments in Environmentally-friendly Systems

Chairs: Maeve Kelly (UK) and Ep H. Eding (The Netherlands)

-      Biofouling in European aquaculture: is there an easy solution?

P. Willemsen (The Netherlands)

-             Can we integrate to accumulate? Utilising 'waste' in open water aquaculture.
     M. Kelly, K.D. Black, J.C. Sanderson, and E.J. Cook (UK) (UK)


PS 02 - Reliability of Hatchery Production

Chairs: John Sweetman (Greece) and Jose-Pedro Canavate (Spain)

-            Technological and managerial tools for improving hatchery performance and reliability.
J.W.  Sweetman (Greece)


PS 03 - Health Management

Chairs: Lluis Tort (Spain) and Alain Le Breton (France)

-            Fish health and disease prevention. What we learned from immunological tools and culture management.
L. Tort (Spain)


PS 04 - The contribution of Aquaculture to Sustainable Fisheries

Chairs: Josianne G. Støttrup (Denmark) and Hunt Howell (USA)

-            The potential for enhancing the cod stock in the eastern Baltic. J. Stoettrup, J.L. Overton, C. Møllmann, H.E. Paulsen, P.B. Pedersen, P. Lauesen, J. Tomkiewicz (Denmark)


PS 05 - Ethics: issues and their communication

Chairs: Sunil Kadri (UK) and Børge Damsgård (Norway)

-            Fish welfare - catering for the needs of the fish and the expectations of the consumer.
S. Kadri, P. Sandoe, and  F. Huntingford (UK)


PS 06 - The Capacity of the Envirionment to support Predicted Growth

Chairs: Yngvar Olsen (Norway) and Mark Burdass (UK)


-            Future perspectives for ICZPM in relation to aquaculture.  J.H. Sandberg ,T. Thorsnes , T. Bekkby, O. Longva, O. Christensen, K. H. B Andresen,  and A. Lepland (Norway)


PS 07 - Sustainable Feed Resources

Chairs: Maria Alexis (Greece) and Jonathan Shepherd (UK)

-            Use of plant materials in fish : carbohydrate fraction and its effect in fish nutrition.
M.N. Alexis (Greece)


PS 08 - Towards Economic Sustainability

Chairs: John Dallimore (Germany) and Kjell Maroni (Norway)

-            The commercialisation of the European Aquaculture sector and future commercial development.
J. Dallimore (Germany)



Details on plenary speakers  (alpha order)





Colin Bannister obtained his BSc in Zoology in 1963. He became a government fisheries scientist at Lowestoft in 1964, and completed his PhD in 1971. He studied fish populations at Iceland and in the North Sea before becoming scientific advisor to the EU in 1976/7 during development of the CFP.


From 1981 he was advisor on the management of shellfish stocks in English coastal waters, becoming an authority on lobster stock enhancement. In 2000 he became senior advisor on fish stock management during the development of EU stock rebuilding programmes.


In the 1990s he was very active in the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), which undertakes scientific, assessment and advisory studies on N E Atlantic stocks. He retired recently but continues to disseminate fisheries science knowledge at King’s College, London, the University of East Anglia, and through the work of the Buckland Foundation.



Børge DAMSGÅRD (Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (FISKERIFORSKNING, Norway)


Børge Damsgård has a PhD in biology from the University of Tromsø, Norway. Since 1995 he has been working as a senior scientist at the Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research in Tromsø, leading a research group focusing on fish welfare and environmental biology.


The main scientific interests are in the intersection between fish behaviour, physiology and health, studying basic and applied aspects of fish welfare. The experimental studies include a broad approach covering topics such as animal aggression, risk taking behaviour, feed intake, stress and immunocompetanse, linking such biological traits into a value chain approach of sustainable aquaculture from farm to fork. The activities are financed nationally and from EU.


Børge Damsgård is a council member of the EU programme SEAFOODplus, and he is coordinating the aquaculture research in the programme.



Alain LE BRETON, D.V.M. (Freelance Health & Hygiene Consultant in Aquaculture (France))


Graduate with honour from the Medical faculty of Toulouse and Postgraduate in Parasitology-Mycology, in Hygiene - Quality Assurance in the food industry from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse, he has twenty years of experience in Ichthyopathology, working in France, French Guyana, Greece, Malta and the Mediterranean area and as Consultant in various countries.


He is Member of EAFP and EAS and has been elected member of the EAS Board of Directors from 1998 to October 2004.


His major fields of experience are sea bass, sea bream and new marine species pathology - laboratory analysis & field diagnosis, health management. His present duties include consultancies for private farms, pharmaceutical companies, state agencies, insurance companies. The main areas of involvement concern marine hatcheries sanitary aspects and health management procedures, field trials on new vaccines, development of vaccination strategies and programmes, prophylactic measures with special emphasis on the bacterial micro flora associated with marine species reared in intensive systems and their roles - selection of bacterial strains as potential probiotics; in house customised training programme for farm workers, short course organisation. He has been participating in EU research programmes, concerted actions and thematic networks. He is co-author of the Guide of Good Practices in Aquaculture Health Management.



Bjorn MYRSETH, Managing Director Marine Farms ASA (Norway)


Bjorn Myrseth obtained his Masters in Fishery Biology (Cand. Real) from the University of Bergen. Since 1987 he is the Managing Director and Partner of Marine Farms ASA, which owns and operates fish farms in Chile, England, Scotland, Norway and Spain.. These companies produce Atlantic salmon, ova, smolts, trout, and market size sea bass and sea bream.


Between 1986 and 1991 he also carried out consultancy work in USA, Turkey, etc. Between 1971 and 1986 he was responsible for establishing, running and expanding Sea Farm A/S, a fish farming subsidary of The Stolt-Nielsen Group. During that time he has been involved in the construction of more than 15 hatcheries, establishing companies in Scotland, Canada, USA etc. He has carried out consultancy work for the private and financial sector, and short missions for FAO.


He has been a Board Member (1981-1984) and Chairman (1985-1986) of the Norwegian Salmon Smolt Producers Organisation. He is a founding member of EAS, has been a Member of the Board of Directors (representing Norway) for many years and EAS President (1992-1994).



Yngvar OLSEN (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, (Norway)


Yngvar Olsen has a Doctorate in Biology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. His main research is carried out on marine planktonic food webs in coastal waters and on production of live feed and marine fish juveniles.


From 1986 he worked as a senior scientist with aquaculture and environmental coastal research in SINTEF and from 1995 he became a professor in marine physiology at NTNU. His main work now involves teaching, research, and administration. Yngvar Olsen has published 80-90 publications in professional journals, and is author of two books.


He is a member of ASLO, EAS, and WAS; and has been a member of the WAS Board in two periods, presently as elected Director of the Board.




Christopher Jonathan SHEPHERD, Director General, International Fishmeal and Fish oil Organisation, (IFFO, UK)


Jonathan Shepherd is a qualified veterinarian with a PhD on the economics of aquaculture from Stirling University where he was deputy director of the research unit now known as the Institute of Aquaculture.


After an initial academic career Dr Shepherd moved to the aquaculture world in 1976. Since then he has held senior management posts related to aquaculture successively with the BP Group, Unilever, PH Pharmaceuticals, and Norsk Hydro, - latterly as Group MD of fish-feed group BioMar based in Denmark.

In 2004 Jonathan Shepherd was appointed Director General of the International Fishmeal and Fish oil Organisation (IFFO), the international NGO and trade association representing the production of fishmeal, fish oil and allied trades, based in UK.


For further info, please contact EAS secretariat, Slijkensesteenweg 4, BE-8400 Oostende, Belgium

Email : ; Tel: +32 59 32 38 59 Fax: +32 59 32 10 05