

Marine Harvest business established

Nutreco and Stolt-Nielsen merger creates stand-alone business entity
Marine Harvest business established
May 3, 2005

Photo: Niels G. Stolt-Nielsen, chief executive officer of Stolt-Nielsen S.A signing the memorandum of Understading in September 2004

Nutreco Holding N.V. and Stolt-Nielsen S.A. announced the completion of the merger of the worldwide fish farming, processing and marketing and sales operations into a stand-alone business entity Marine Harvest.

Nutreco will take a 75% share in the new company and Stolt-Nielsen 25%. The signing by both parties of a Memorandum of Understanding for the merger was announced on 13 September 2004.  

Nutreco Holding N.V. is an international company in the animal nutrition and fish feed markets, where it seeks to create added value through its knowledge of the food chains. The company has a selective presence in various stages of the fish and meat production chains. It has eight Business Groups, each comprising several Business Units, with over approximately 80 production and processing plants in 22 countries and approximately 8,000 employees.
Nutreco’s net sales in 2004 were EUR 3,857.6 million. It is quoted on the Official Segment of the Euronext stock exchange (Amsterdam) and is included in the Amsterdam Midkap Index and the Euronext 150 Index.

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