

Michigan aquaculture industry to grow?

Michigan could support a much larger aquaculture industry, according to an integrated assessment project from Michigan Sea Grant and Michigan State University Extension.

Michigan could support a much larger aquaculture industry, according to an integrated assessment project from Michigan Sea Grant and Michigan State University Extension.

Whilst global aquaculture has developed in recent decades to meet half of the world’s seafood demand, it has been stagnant for decades in Michigan.

The integrated assessment project has shown that Michigan’s abundant water supply, affordable real estate, a need for new economic opportunities, and existing expertise in fisheries, agriculture and food processing capacity, make it a prime candidate for net pen aquaculture on the Great Lakes.

The idea is not without controversy however as it would involve the farming of fish in public and a full day public forum was recently held to discuss how Michigan’s water resources can best be utilised for society’s benefit to deliver fresh, healthy and affordable seafood.

Voices in opposition sought reassurance about fish feed waste, fish health and antibiotics, types of aquaculture production systems and siting, genetics, and ecosystem and socio-economic impacts.

The state of Michigan has now convened a panel of experts to address the topic of Great Lakes net pen aquaculture and a report will be available shortly.

Source: The Fish Site. Read the full article here.