

Mushrooms not to be used in feed says PDV

Mushroom ends are not animal feed, but must be considered a waste material, says the Netherlands-based Product Board Animal Feed (PDV)

Mushroom ends are not animal feed, but must In compliance with the GMP+ scheme, the PDV has placed mushroom ends and mashed mushrooms on the negative list. This action serves to prevent this product from being brought into the trade flow as a feedstuff by regular feedstuffs suppliers that participate in the GMP scheme.

"It has become clear from current jurisprudence and the position of the Ministry of VROM (the Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment) that mushroom ends are a waste material, in which the concentration of pesticide residue can be so high that it may be classed as a hazardous waste material. In view of these non-controllable risks, it is therefore not suitable as a feedstuff", the organization said in a notice to feed traders, manufacturers and farmers.