

Neptune Executives to Discuss Eco-friendly Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture

Ernest D. Papadoyianis, CEO, Neptune Industries, Inc. and Sal Cherch, the company's Chief Operating Officer, will discuss insect-based protein and floating containment systems at aquafeed conference

Neptune Executives to Discuss Eco-friendly Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture

World aquaculture production has been projected to grow from 45% to over 70% of world seafood consumption within the next 20 years. With fisheries stocks declining and world population increasing, the pressure on wild stocks, and particularly baitfish stocks, will increase dramatically.

The very industry that has been called upon to bridge the gap between demand and wild supply is now fully dependent upon wild stocks for all of its diets.

In order to expand and succeed in the future, the industry must develop its independence from fishmeal and wild stocks. Diet ingredients must be produced from sustainable sources to allow the unhindered expansion of global seafood production.

Many different sources of proteins have been explored in the quest to find a suitable replacement for fishmeal in aquafeed. The difficulty is that most carnivorous species require a high quality animal-based protein source.

Ernest D. Papadoyianis, CEO, Neptune Industries, Inc. will update delegates at the Aquafeed Horizons Conference to take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from May 9-10, 2007, on research underway with a high quality protein meal derived from insects, called Ento-protein. Insects are naturally consumed in nature by most freshwater species, and represent one of the finest animal protein sources available.

Controlled mass production of select insect species will produce a high quality, sustainable protein substitute for fish and livestock diets. Additionally, the controlled production of Ento-protein can provide an organic dietary source for certified organic seafood diets.

Neptune Industries Chief Operating Officer, Sal Cherch, will explain how eco-friendly, low-energy, cost effective floating containment systems will allow fresh and salt water production to expand into remote and environmentally sensitive areas.

The company's Aqua-Sphere floating containment system incorporates alternative energy and solid waste removal to provide a low-cost, eco-friendly solution. It also provides the security of raising crops in solid containment systems.
Opportunities for new development and expansion in global aquaculture may heavily rely upon water-based environments for production of marine and freshwater species in the near future. The industry has already witnessed the infancy of offshore mariculture production.

Near-shore and inland opportunities currently provide many cost, resource, and logistical benefits to farmers, however production system technology must advance to allow rapid expansion in these areas.

The critical issues that have plagued cage and net-pen production include solid waste contamination, escapement, predation, maintenance, and others. The environmental issues become more critical in closed bodies of water such as quarries, mineral mines, and other man-made impoundments.

Floating containment systems provide the solution to these issues, and will allow fresh and salt water production to expand into remote and environmentally sensitive areas.

For full details of Aquafeed Horizons, including program and registration, visit the conference website: