

New appointments in Skretting

Dag Engelsvoll, Håvard Walde appointments

New appointments in Skretting

Finance Director Dag Engelsvoll in Skretting Northern Europe is appointed Business Group Controller for Skretting Salmon Feed.

Business Group Skretting Salmon Feed is responsible for Skretting’s feed business in Norway, UK, Ireland, Canada and Chile.

Dag Engelsvoll replaces, Knut Hidle, who is appointed Project Director for Business Group Skretting Salmon Feed.

Engelsvoll’s successor is Håvard Walde, who has been appointed Finance Director for Skretting Northern Europe.

Among Walde’s former positions is the Director of Accounting with Pan Fish ASA where he also has worked as Controller. Walde holds both an MBA and a degree in auditing from NHH, Norway, and comes to Skretting from the Norwegian oil company Statoil.