

New BAP farm standard open for public comment

The renamed BAP Farm Standard replaces Issue 2.4 of the BAP Finfish and Crustacean Farm Standard and now covers all eligible fed aquaculture species. The public comment period expires on September 26.

New BAP farm standard open for public comment

Issue 3.0 of the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Farm Standard is now available for public comment. The 60-day public comment period expires on September 26, 2020.

The renamed BAP Farm Standard replaces Issue 2.4 of the BAP Finfish and Crustacean Farm Standard, released on May 23, 2017. The new standard now covers all eligible fed aquaculture species, but BAP will continue to maintain a separate farm standard for salmonids raised in marine net pens. Unfed mollusk species such as mussels and oysters will continue to be covered under the BAP Mollusk Standard.

The new Farm Standard contains a number of new requirements under BAP’s four pillars of sustainability – food safety, social accountability, environmental responsibility and animal welfare. Traceability requirements have also been updated. Specific environmental monitoring approaches for recirculating aquaculture systems and coastal flow-through systems have been added, and the requirements for efficient use of key feed ingredients such as fish and soybean meals and oils have been updated, with new limits set for the BAP Fish-In Fish-Out (FIFO) ratios for many species.

To comment, download the BAP Farm Standard Issue 3.0 comment form and submit the form to and Download the standard here.