

New European Market Advisory Council for fisheries and aquaculture holds first General Assembly

The Advisory Council brings together primary producers, representatives from industry and trade, environmental and consumer organizations to look at key issues affecting the sector and to deliver advice on markets. It will focus in particular on policy implementation and delivery of the Common Market Organisation (CMO), supply, regulatory and consumer affairs. Recommendations on these issues will be submitted to the EU institutions on behalf of the whole value chain.

The new European Market Advisory Council (MAC) for fisheries and aquaculture held their first General Assembly in Brussels last week to ensure a sustainable sector in the future.

Copa & Cogeca is a founding member of the new Council on Markets, which was launched this week and which is one of the key projects of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

The stakeholder organization brings together primary producers, representatives from industry and trade, environmental and consumer organizations to look at key issues affecting the sector and to deliver advice on markets. It will focus in particular on policy implementation and delivery of the Common Market Organisation (CMO), supply, regulatory and consumer affairs. Recommendations on these issues will be submitted to the EU institutions on behalf of the whole value chain.

Vice-Chairman of Copa & Cogeca Working Party on Fish Bernhard Feneis from Germany said “I am very pleased to see that the Market Advisory Council is now up and running and hope to ensure that we have a more sustainable and competitive sector in the future. We held our first General Assembly this week to finalize procedures and working methods. We are already preparing for the next meeting in autumn and Copa & Cogeca will play an important role in it. Having a say in the Executive Committee is a privilege and will give Copa & Cogeca a vital role in the decision making process”.

Learn more about Copa & Cogeca.