

New GAA Fund To Further Responsible Aquaculture

The Global Aquaculture Alliance is launching an initiative to finance a range of projects to further responsible aquaculture and ultimately increase the availability of certified seafood production worldwide, the organization announced in early February

The Global Aquaculture Alliance is launching an initiative to finance a range of projects to further responsible aquaculture and ultimately increase the availability of certified seafood production worldwide, the organization announced in early February.

GAA Executive Director Wally Stevens made the announcement on the first day of the SeaWeb Seafood Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Stevens is one of four speakers who addressed the future of aquaculture during the opening plenary.

GAA is creating the yet-to-be-named fund, beginning with $250,000, to support improver projects designed to make an enduring and tangible difference on the ground in the field of aquaculture.

GAA invites stakeholders to co-finance projects in line with GAA’s mission of feeding the world through responsible aquaculture, including individuals, researchers, academics and industry members.

The fund is being administered by the Responsible Aquaculture Foundation. It will be managed by GAA Development Director Iain Shone, Best Aquaculture Practices Standards Coordinator Dan Lee and Matt Thompson, aquaculture project lead at the New England Aquarium.