

New video strikes back at failed salmon extinction prediction

A landmark video released today calls into question erroneous claims of salmon extinction in British Columbia

New video strikes back at failed salmon extinction prediction

A landmark video released today calls into question erroneous claims of salmon extinction in British Columbia.
The video, released by Positive Aquaculture Awareness (PAA) entitled “ Salmon Extinction? A Reality Check”, uses the direct words of prominent activists who have claimed BC’s wild salmon are at risk of extinction.

“These outrageous quotes of salmon extinction were spread by activists with a clear goal in mind – to damage the reputation of BC salmon farmers,” says PAA President Cory Percevault. “But this year, we have literally millions of examples swimming back to BC rivers, proving just how wrong they were.”

Percevault points to one obvious example – the Fraser River sockeye salmon return of 2010. Over the past several years, Percevault says activists have repeated claims that Fraser Sockeye are threatened by BC salmon farms, but this year the Fraser River saw Sockeye return at numbers not witnessed in over 100 years.

Other examples of failed predictions include the recent large returns of Pink salmon in areas near Campbell River, Nanaimo and Vancouver and the Broughton Archipelago.

PAA says this is the first of several videos that will quote several anti-salmon farm activists and expose their inaccuracies.

“We are thrilled that these healthy salmon returns have vindicated BC salmon farmers,” says Percevault. “Many of us in the business began raising salmon so we could help protect BC’s wild salmon for future generations and it’s great to see results like we’ve seen lately.”

Positive Aquaculture Awareness is a grassroots group of aquaculture workers and suppliers interested in promoting awareness of BC’s important aquaculture industry through education and community involvement. The new video can be seen on PAA’s website. Direct link to the Video: Salmon Extinction? A Reality Check.