

Nicovita and the GAA promote the 'Pre-Fishery Improvement Project'

At the recent GOAL 2018 conference, Nicovita and the GAA promoted the Pre-Fishery Improvement Project during a special session titled ‘The power of collaboration: driving improvements in the feed fisheries.’ According to Nicovita, the 'power of collaboration' is the perfect example of what has happened in Ecuador with the company's efforts to finalize the start of the FIP: Improvement Project of the Small Pelagic Fisheries, "thus initiating the path of local production of sustainable marine ingredients that contribute to the development of the aquaculture industry.”

At the recent GOAL 2018 conference, Nicovita and the GAA promoted the Pre-Fishery Improvement Project during a special session titled ‘The power of collaboration: driving improvements in the feed fisheries.’

The question and answer panel addressed the work of IFFO's RS improvement program and how it benefits all parts of the seafood supply chain. Also discussed were the current projects to improve fishing in Ecuador and the rest of the world.

"The power of collaboration is the perfect example of what has happened in Ecuador in these last two years,” stated Kathya Tennison Padovani, Corporate Quality Manager and SGI of Nicovita. “Thanks to that effort we have been able to finalize the start of the FIP: Improvement Project of the Small Pelagic Fisheries, thus initiating the path of local production of sustainable marine ingredients that contribute to the development of the aquaculture industry.”

For Vitapro, collaboration is a very important aspect in the production process. A year and a half ago, faced with the need to have certified fishmeal and fish oil for the production of food in its plant in Ecuador, the company decided to promote an FIP in Ecuador.

As part of this project, a workshop was held with the participation of the fishing sector authorities, leading producers of aquaculture feeds in Ecuador, representatives of NGOs, and the main producers of fish oil. During the workshop and under the leadership of the National Fisheries Chamber, it was agreed to develop a FIP under the IFFO-RS Improver Program, so that fishmeal producers could access IFFO-RS certification.

Currently the company has a work plan led by the National Fisheries Chamber –CPN, and the memorandum of understanding was presented to IFFO-RS in August for acceptance within the IFFO-RS -Improves Program. Thus, in the short term, the producers of marine ingredients will have access to the IFFO-RS certification.

"What we are living in Ecuador demonstrates the great power that exists in collaboration and is the proof that together we can go farther than separately," emphasized Kathya Tennison.