

Nicovita opens its fourth aquaculture research center in Mexico

The new center is located within the Research Center in Food and Development (CIAD) in Mazatlán, Sinaloa and will perform tests and disease challenges on shrimp.

Nicovita opens its fourth aquaculture research center in Mexico

Nicovita opened its fourth Aquaculture Experimentation Center (CEA) in Mexico, becoming the company with the most important global research and innovation network for shrimp and focused on Latin American production.

The new center is located within the Research Center in Food and Development (CIAD) in Mazatlán, Sinaloa and will perform tests and disease challenges for the development of solutions to improve shrimp survival. The new CEA joins the other three centers that Nicovita has installed in recent years in the cities of Lima, Tumbes and Trujillo, in Peru and its pilot plant in Trujillo.

“We are very proud of the new center since from now on we will have a complete experimental center dedicated to disease challenges, which will be of direct benefit to our clients. The center was developed in partnership with CIAD, which is an institution of high prestige and recognition in research at a global level and that will allow us to continue innovating with new solutions for shrimp producers in Latin America,” said Pablo Rojas, director of Feed Technology at Vitapro.

The center will perform tests with strains from the region to bring to the market a product that guarantees results, focused on greater survival in adverse health scenarios.

“CIAD Mazatlán was born for aquaculture and environmental management and is focused on aquaculture research projects and technology transfer. It is connected and works jointly with public research centers and universities not only in Mexico but in other parts of the world. The research that we develop at CIAD Mazatlán is at the level of the best that are carried out at an international level,” said Sonia A. Soto Rodríguez, senior researcher, member of the National System of Researchers and co-head of the Laboratory of Bacteriology of CIAD Mazatlán.

Having such allies is a seal of guarantee and an endorsement in research from which Nicovita clients will benefit, the company said. This fourth CEA further enhances Nicovita's R&D structure which is made up of the integration of a pilot plant, analysis laboratories and experimental centers.