

NORWAY - Eliminating waste in the fisheries industry

The fishing company Nordic Wildfish has been assisting in the development of a new technology that can make use of the entire by-product from whitefish such as cod, pollock and haddock. Instead of discarding the heads, guts and the rest of the fish, they can all be incorporated into a hydrolysis process that separates the bones, leaving a kind of \"soup\" to which enzymes can be added and valuable oils and proteins extracted.

Every year 340,000 tonnes of usable whitefish by-product are discarded into the sea. But the fisheries industry has now identified ways of halting this practice.

The fishing company Nordic Wildfish has been assisting in the development of a new technology that can make use of the entire by-product from whitefish such as cod, pollock and haddock.

Instead of discarding the heads, guts and the rest of the fish, they can all be incorporated into a hydrolysis process that separates the bones, leaving a kind of \"soup\" to which enzymes can be added and valuable oils and proteins extracted.

\"The entire process takes place on board the trawler, which has only been at sea for two months,\" says Anders Bjørnerem, R&D Director at Nordic Wildfish in Norway.

So this technology is entirely new? \"Yes. No one has done this before, and it\'s very exciting. We\'ve already been nominated for the 2016 Innovation Prize awarded by the technical journal Teknisk ukeblad,\" says Bjørnerem.

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