

NORWAY - Ewos launches "Feedship of the future"

New 2,000 tonne modular feed ship first of two new ships for Ewos

Norwegian feed producer, Ewos has invested in new feed ships. “With these ships EWOS continues to secure our leading position, providing customers with the markets best products and solutions”, said EWOS Norway Managing Director Atle Kvist.

“RUBIN” is a very flexible and cost efficient feedship. One of its unique features is an innovative modular solution that will provide for more flexibility.  The silo modules can easily be removed, which makes it possible to transport other cargo than bulk and bigbags with feed. EWOS is developing another ship of this kind, set to be finalized this fall. Our strong efforts in R&D have resulted in innovations that have changed the global fish feed industry. The launching of these ships is in accordance with our ambition to be a trend setting innovator in the aquaculture industry.

The new feedship concept has been developed by EWOS together with Artic Shipping and Sjøtransport Rotsund. Atle Kvist praised EWOS’ cooperation with these two shipping companies.

“With partners like Artic Shipping and Sjøtransport Rotsund we can look far ahead and make considerable investments”, sayid Kvist.

The ships are built at Crist Shipyard in Gdynia, Poland. “RUBIN” which has just arrived in Bergen, is owned by Sjøtransport Rotsund. It is 70 meters long and 15 meter wide, with capacity of about 2,000 tons. It’s prepared for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), and has the brand new “Quick Discharging Fish Feed”-system installed.

Managing Director of Sjøstransport Rotsund, Bjarne Johannesen, is captain on this first voyage. He is also very pleased with the cooperation, and looks forward to put “RUBIN” in operation.

“First we will perform thorough tests, to ensure that everything works correctly. As Managing Director of Artic Shipping Ove Vilnes says, almost everything on board is state-of-the-art. Exiting, but demanding”, Johannesen says.

“RUBIN” will deliver feed to EWOS customers in North Norway.  Ordinary operation is scheduled for July 15, 2014 with delivery to the first customer.

The second ship “M/S ARTIC FJELL” is owned by Artic Shipping. It will deliver feed to EWOS’ customers in West-Northwestern Norway. Together with Artic Shipping and Sjøtransport Rotsund, EWOS said it has developed unique solutions for the aquaculture industry and is the world leader in bulk delivery of fish feed.