

NOSB Votes for Aquaculture to be Included in US Organic Regulations

Fish meal/oil and open water net pens issues held for future work

NOSB Votes for  Aquaculture to be Included in US Organic Regulations

Today, the National Organic Standards Board approved by a vote of 12 for,  one against and two absent on the recommendation by the NOSB Livestock Committee that “the NOP implement rule changes to allow for the production of organic aquatic animals within the regulation” reserving two areas for further public comments and dialogue among stakeholders.

The two areas reserved for additional work include the sections of the recommendations relative to Aquaculture Feed and open water net pens. There were several amendments approved by the NOSB to the report after receiving public comments at this meeting that are considered to be minor changes.

Numerous persons made oral comments at this meeting speaking on various positions regarding the organic standards with many comments directed at the two issues reserved for future work (fish meal/oil and open water net pens).

This vote of approval by the NOSB marks an historic event. More work lies ahead to consider the two reserved controversial issues.

The NOSB Aquaculture Working Group is still working on organic standard recommendations for bivalve shellfish that will likely eventually be presented in the future to the full NOSB for their consideration.
"The chair and members of the Aquaculture Working Group are to be commended for their excellent work in addition to those NOSB members who shepherded the Livestock Committee’s recommendation on this issue" said Gary Jensen, CSREES-USDA.