

Nutreco aims for leadership in cod production; will feed 50% veg protein

Nutreco, the world’s largest Atlantic salmon producer, has its sights set on

The Netherlands-based aquaculture and feed company says its Cod Culture
Norway group will turn out about 3,000 tonnes of cage-farmed cod next year,
increasing production to 100,000 tonnes by 2015.
Nutreco\'s director of food safety, Reid Hole, told a news conference that
farmed cod would partly offset the fall in wild stocks, which, after years
of over-fishing, are at their lowest levels ever recorded in parts of the
North Atlantic. He predicted that globally, as much as 700,00 tonnes of
farmed cod could be produced by 2015 from almost none today.

Hole told Reuters that Nutreco that the cod would receive a diet where 50
percent of the proteins came from vegetable sources and 50 percent from

“In coming years we expect to see a very fast decline in dependence on fish
meal with more research and development,” Hole said. That would boost the
share of cheaper vegetable sources, which include soy and corn gluten.

Nutreco is also investigating the potential for raising other marine
species, such as haddock.