

Organic Feed Issues at Aquafeed Conference

The principal ingredients and the issues surrounding organic aquafeed to be discussed
Organic Feed Issues at Aquafeed Conference

Organic Feed Issues at Aquafeed Conference
During the relatively recent expansion of organic farming from terrestrial to aquatic environments, a number of challenges to fundamental organic principles have arisen.
One such challenge has been to provide feeds for carnivorous fish such as salmon or trout in a sustainable manner - minimising the environmental impacts of the collection or production of feed ingredients, their transport, processing and the wastes associated with their digestion.

Peter Bridson

Peter Bridson,  manager of the Soil Association’s Aquaculture Development Programme, will discuss the organization's approach to the principal ingredients and the issues surrounding organic aquafeeds at Aquafeed Horizons Conference, scheduled to tak place alongside Victam 2007, from May 9-10,2007 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Other topics covered include aquaculture production and markets in Central and Eastern Europe; innovative technologies; fishmeal and fishoil alternatives for aquafeeds;current issues in aquaculture feed and formulation; improving animal performance, feeding efficiency and product quality in aquaculture species.

Practical talks will focus on ingredients and processing interactions and aquafeed processing techniques and technology.

Full program details and registration forms can be found on the conference website: