

Peru announces 2.41 million tons anchovy quota for the 2020 first fishing season

The fishing season in the North-Central zone begins on May 13.

Peru announces 2.41 million tons anchovy quota for the 2020 first fishing season

The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) reported that the 2020 first fishing season of anchovy in the North-Central zone of the Peruvian coast begins on May 13. The assigned catch quota will be 2.41 million tons, according to sustainable management criteria recommended by the Peruvian Sea Institute (IMARPE), which conducted research cruises to assess the status of the anchovy biomass.

For this fishing season, PRODUCE has also established a sanitary operation protocol due to COVID-19 for the restart of industrial fishing activities in the country, with the intention of protecting all workers in this industry. It also approved the territorial targeting criteria and the obligation to report incidents in the production sector for the gradual and incremental start of activities in this sector.