

PERU - Bad anchovy catches raise fishmeal prices

The prices of super prime fishmeal have reached USD 2,000 / Mt FOB, while the industry expects the first data from the second scientific research conducted by IMARPE. The lack of information on resources and poor catches reported by the main producers are creating a lot of nervousness and confusion among fishmeal operators internationally. The key to the industry will be to know the amount of biomass in the Sea.

The prices of super prime fishmeal have reached USD 2,000 / Mt FOB, while the industry expects the first data from the second scientific research conducted by IMARPE.

The lack of information on resources and poor catches reported by the main producers are creating a lot of nervousness and confusion among fishmeal operators internationally.

The key to the industry will be to know the amount of biomass in the Sea. As recalled, IMARPE identified a biomass having 4.4 million metric tons in its first scientific study conducted earlier this year, prompting the decision to delay the season. During research a reading of more than 5 million tonnes is needed to start the season, IMARPE said.

IMARPE could limit the quotas between 1 and 1.5 million tonnes because ocean temperatures have increased due to El Niño impact.

\"This quota will be lower than expected and fishmeal prices have already been affected. Latest trades have been around USD 1,900/Mt as super prime,\" told a source to Peru Pesquero.

According to the Deputy Minister of Fisheries Juan Carlos Requejo, the first data where the highest anchovy concentrations and a full preliminary study will be delivered after the end of the 1605-06 Evaluation Acoustic Cruise in the Northern Central Region, which seeks to measure the anchovy biomass and its distribution in the Peruvian sea.

The exploration will end on June 20 and will make it possible to know all the indicators that determine the fishing quota for the anchovy first season in 2016.

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