

Peru to complete anchovy fishing season

The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) reported that the first 2020 anchovy fishing season in the north-central region completed 96.7% of the assigned quota, meaning a catch of 2.3 million tons.

Peru to complete anchovy fishing season

The Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) reported that the first 2020 anchovy fishing season in the north-central region completed 96.7% of the assigned quota, meaning a catch of 2.3 million tons since the start of the fishing season on May 13. The Minister of Production, José Salardi, said that this season will be 17.4% higher in terms of landed fish when compared to the 2.05 million tons of the first 2019 season.

The president of the Peruvian National Fisheries Society (SNP), Cayetana Aljovín, highlighted the good health of the anchovy biomass, which in the last 15 years has remained stable. “An example of this is the last IMARPE summer cruise that reported a biomass of 10.1 million tons in the north-central stock.” Aljovín also said that in the new context due to COVID-19, the fishing industry operated following strict biosafety protocols.