

Peru to start fishing on exploratory basis

Decision to fully lift fishing ban will be made after exploratory seven day fishing period commencing Wednesday

Peru's Ministry of Production decree published in El Peruano on Friday changed the start time for fishing to 00:00 hours November 2 and allows fishing only till 00:00 hours November 8 , a total of seven days. 

Fishing will only be permitted for registered vessels with functioning GPS beacons on board and only one daily sailing will be permitted per vessel.  All industrial fishing must be outside the five mile limit.  Landings are to be of anchovies minimum 12 cm in length (10% juvenile by catch permitted).  IMARPE will report daily landings in all ports.  After this exploratory regime of seven days, the ministry will evaluate whether to fully lift the ban or extend fishing under the exploratory scheme. [source: Agniel Commodities]

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