

Plant Products in Aquafeed: Strategic Research to Optimize the Use of Plant Feedstocks in the Diets of Marine Fish

PPA Call for Papers (Abstracts)
Aquaculture America 2008
February 9 – 12, 2008
Lake Buena Vista, FL
Deadline September 1, 2007.

Plant Products in Aquafeed: Strategic Research to Optimize the Use of Plant Feedstocks in the Diets of Marine Fish

PPA Call for Papers (Abstracts)
Aquaculture America 2008
February 9 – 12, 2008
Lake Buena Vista, FL

The aquafeeds industry has for many years recognized that viable utilization of plant feedstuffs formulated in aquafeeds for the production of aquatic species is an essential requirement for the future development of aquaculture. Such plant feedstuffs must provide cost-effective diets that will grow aquatic species with minimal environmental impact and result in a product that is appealing and nutritious. Despite considerable research efforts which have been described in the Plant Products in Aquafeed (PPA) White Paper, there are factors that limit the amount of plant protein that can be used in diets of carnivorous species including most marine species of present and potential commercial importance. 

The Plant Products in Aquafeed Working Group is an informal association of international experts who have developed a research roadmap, the Plant Products in Aquafeed Strategic Plan , of the research needed to optimize the use of renewable and sustainable plant feedstocks in diets of cultured marine carnivorous fish. The plan describes seven goals with objectives and performance measures.

We invite you to submit abstracts on research related to the performance measures described in the PPA Strategic Plan. 

Please follow the complete abstract submission instructions at the WAS/AA website and send a duplicate abstract to the PPA- Working Group Session organizer Diane Bellis at  Please indicate the Performance Measure in the PPA Strategic Plan under which your research falls. The WAS abstract submission form has a ‘Special Session Information’ place to mark ‘yes’ for your abstract to be presented at the PPA special session.  Type in “Plant Products in Aquafeed” where the form asks you to provide the complete title of the session.  The deadline for abstract submission is September 1, 2007.