

Positive response from soy value chain partners on new ITC/FEFAC Benchmarking tool

Eight programmes have passed review against FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines

The European Feed Manufacturers\' Federation (FEFAC) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) are pleased with the initial response of soy value chain partners, who readily took up the invitation to submit their programmes to the customised benchmarking system for responsible soy programmes.

More than a dozen responsible soy programmes from producer organisations, traders, FEFAC members and other multi-stakeholder organisations enquired about the new benchmarking facility, and 8 of these have successfully met the criteria of the initial benchmarking review against the requirements laid down in the FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines.

The eight are:

  • Soy Producer Organisations: AAPRESID-AC (Argentina)
  • Traders & Processors: ADM Responsible Soybean Standard, Cargill Triple-S, Cefetra CRS 3.1
  • FEFAC members: AIC FEMAS (Responsible Sourcing Module) (UK), BEMEFA (Belgian Compound Industry Feed Association)
  • Other organisations: ISCC EU & ISCC PLUS, RTRS.

“We are very pleased with this result. Several of the programme owners have put significant effort into aligning their schemes with the requirements of the benchmarking review. It is now possible for interested market partners to start sourcing in line with the FEFAC Soy Sourcing guidelines,” said Angela Booth, Chairperson of the FEFAC Sustainability Committee.

FEFAC and ITC encourage submissions from other programme owners to allow interested EU feed associations and member companies to make further progress towards the mainstream market transition for the supply of responsibly produced soy to the EU feed sector. FEFAC will continue with outreach activities to promote the Soy Sourcing Guidelines to key supply groups as well as downstream customers in the EU value chain for livestock products.

The FEFAC Soy Sourcing Guidelines, the online ITC benchmark tool including a guidance document about the benchmark process and the approved programmes, can be found here