

Poultry Protein & Fat Council solicits research proposals

The Poultry Protein & Fat Council approved up to $100,000 to fund research projects that will beneficially impact the poultry rendering industry at its recent council board meeting. The board also authorized $35,000 to support promotional activities of the council. Council members produce poultry byproduct meal, feather meal, blood meal, chicken meal, and poultry fat. The council solicits research proposals that will develop new and increased utilization of these products by demonstrating their efficacy in poultry, aquaculture, livestock, and companion animal rations.

Poultry Protein & Fat Council solicits research proposals

The Poultry Protein & Fat Council approved up to $100,000 to fund research projects that will beneficially impact the poultry rendering industry at its recent council board meeting. The board also authorized $35,000 to support promotional activities of the council. Council members produce poultry byproduct meal, feather meal, blood meal, chicken meal, and poultry fat.

The council solicits research proposals that will develop new and increased utilization of these products by demonstrating their efficacy in poultry, aquaculture, livestock, and companion animal rations. The council also seeks proposals that open non-traditional outlets for its products, such as utilizing poultry fat as a fuel or feathers as construction, plastic or fibrous material components. Other research interests of the Council are projects addressing the need for improved uses or re-use alternatives for lower grade raw materials (such as DAF skimmings or hatchery byproducts); improved odor control; and product processing techniques that increase product value or decrease operational costs.

PPFC’s Subcommittee on Technology evaluates the proposals based on several guidelines: the importance of the problem to the industry; the relevance of the objectives toward enhancing utilization of poultry meals or reducing the impact of the problem; the qualifications and experience of the scientist(s); the adequacy of the proposed facilities and equipment; the track record of the scientist(s); and the project’s likelihood of success.

Detailed information about the procedure for submitting a research proposal is available at

Council members are: 3D Corporate Solutions, Central Bi-Products, Darling Ingredients, Fieldale Farms, Foster Farms, Mountaire Farms, Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., Sanimax Inc., Simmons Foods, Tyson Foods, and Valley Proteins.

For more information about the Poultry Protein & Fat Council, contact Paul Bredwell at the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303. He also can be reached at 1 (678) 514-1973 or  You also can contact any council member company.