

Questions over Monsanto's new GMO soybean

As planting time nears, buyers question if Monsanto’s new GMO soybean strain will gain EU approval.

The planting season has yet to begin, but there are fears that buyers will not accept soybeans grown from Monsanto’s new genetically engineered strain, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend, unless the EU approves the variety.

“Dicamba-tolerant soybeans have hit another snag along their long road to commercialization,” said news service DTN, referring to the other herbicide, besides glyphosate, that the new soybean is designed to tolerate.

Monsanto said it expects EU approval “in the immediate future” as the variety combines genetic modifications that have been approved separately by EU regulators.

“Growers must factor into their planting decisions the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency has yet to sanction an approved dicamba herbicide to use with the new trait,” said DTN.

The Monsanto soybeans would be the first to tolerate glyphosate and dicamba herbicides as a way to control herbicide-resistant weeds.

Cultivation of GMO crops ahead of approval by major importers “has been an industry issue … sparked initially by China’s rejection of corn shipments testing positive for traces of Syngenta’s GE trait called Viptera,” according to DTN. The rejections led to a welter of lawsuits over lost sales and lower commodity prices.

Source: John Baize & Associates. Read the full story here