

Register now to take advantage of early bird registration fees for Aquaculture Europe 2008

Aquaculture Europe 2008 will take place in Krakow, Poland, from September 15 to 18, 2008
May 22, 2008

Register now to take advantage of early bird registration fees for Aquaculture Europe 2008

Aquaculture Europe 2008 will take place in Krakow, Poland, from September 15 to 18, 2008. The event comprises an aquaculture conference, an industry forum and an exhibition, organized by the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and hosted by Polskie Towarzystwo Rybackie (the Polish Fisheries Association).

Register now to take advantage of early bird registration fees.
The conference theme "Resource management" addresses the natural, human and material resources for the sustainable development of aquaculture. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/E) is the most substantial piece of water legislation ever produced by the European Commission. It requires that all inland and coastal waters within defined river basin districts must reach at least good status by 2015 and defines how this should be achieved through the establishment of environmental objectives and ecological targets for surface waters. This will be just one focus of AE2008.
The thematic sessions will take place each morning and these open the debate and pave the way for the parallel, technical sessions of contributed presentations.
AE2008 Thematic plenary sessions:
- Ian Johnston from St Andrews in Scotland on the application of basic research to understand and influence the domestication process
- Ronald Hardy from the University of Idaho on feed sustainability
- An overview of progress on closing the cycle of the European eel by Guido van den Thillart
- Carmen Popa from the Romanian National agency for Fishing and Aquaculture on the WFD and how Pond Aquaculture manages water resources
- Economic and social aspects of European aquaculture addressed by John Dallimore, Good Business columist for Fish Farming International
Abstract submission for AE2008 was open at the EAS website from October 2007 to May 2008. More than 360 abstracts have been submitted from participants from 40 countries. Considerable preparatory work by our AE2008 Programme co-chairs Ewa Kamler and Konrad Dabrowski has lead to the development of the programme, which is made up of 15 parallel sessions running over the 3 conference days.

Of special note here is the focus on reproduction. A special session will look at latest research in gamete physiology and methods of improvements in gamete biotechnology. Another session linked to this has been organised by the EU-funded project REPROFISH. REPROFISH brings together specialists from all over Europe and from the scientific and industry sectors to identify and extract the most important results of past and current research programmes, and to prepare future actions. The REPROFISH session has a wide range of presentations that provide examples of this approach.

AE2008 addresses issues of domestication, but also conservation. Apart from Guido van den Thillart's Thematic presentation, there will be a parallel session focusing on eels, and a special keynote presentation will be made by Professor Katsumi Tsukamoto, who is leading eel research in Japan.

In a similar theme, AE2008 will also focus on sturgeon, with a session developed in cooperation with the World Sturgeon Conservation Society.
Other sessions are many and varied and are listed on the EAS web site. 

The industry forum will include an industry day or farmers day, workshops for industry and the Aquaculture Europe 2008 student forum. As always, various social events will be a part of the Aquaculture Europe meeting.
Full brochure includes registration and submission details. E-mail:

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